There is something about Oranjemund that makes you want to stay. It has so much going for it. Year round moderate weather, a beautiful beach with fishing opportunity aplenty, a river that can meander for most of the year while you kayak or do birding on it, and then suddenly and spectacularly flood. A desert that turns into gold at sunset, spilling over into the sky for wonderful sundowner opportunity. A 18 hole golf course, and sports clubs from tennis to soccer, to swimming to bowls abound. It’s a lifestyle which, in current times, is precious, safe and valuable. Gemsbok walk the streets like they know this is a sanctuary for people and animals. Children play in parks, safely, until after nightful when empty bellies drive them home. Where else can you get this complete package? Those who already belong here make the most of every occasions. This is our oasis in the middle of the desert, and we invite you to stay and live life effortlessly.
OMDis has conducted a feasibility study in property development to assess 3 core assets that could be repurposed. The aim is to prepare conceptual property development studies to delve viable options for diversification based on the town’s current economic and social landscape as well as various geographic and strategic advantages the town can leverage to provide sustainable economic transformation beyond the stated ‘life of mine’.
The three proposed conceptual property development areas include the existing Oranjemund Golf Course, the existing Oranjemund Yacht Club, and the existing Oranjemund Bowling Club.
To learn more about OMDis Property Development click here: Property Brochure
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