OMDis ChangeMaker media Campaign with Tribefire Studios

Oranjemund has been a mystery for many years, everyone knows about it but very few have seen it. This was mainly due to the town be a restricted area, an accessory works built in 1936 to service the diamond mining industry. As such, only people working for the mine could live there, and visits from friends and family were strictly controlled. Today, after 84 years, Oranjemund is a much-changed town.
Visit by //Kharas Regional Council and Ministry Environment, Tourism and Forestry in Oranjemund

On 28 August 2020 OMDis met with the Mr Okeri Kasete, Mr Harry Tjihukununa, and Mr Wayne Handley in Oranjemund. The aim of the meeting was to discuss future agriculture development in the Tsau //Khaeb National Park along the lower Orange River, which is currently not included in the Land Use Plan or Management Plans for the park.