ART CAN TRANSFORM Project kicks off at Ambrosius Amutenya Primary School (AAPS) in Oranjemund.
By Charne Witbooi
Windhoek based artist Nicky Marais and Oranjemund based artist Aurelia Sieberhagen was contracted by OMDis to coordinate a school mural project.
On the 10th of August 2021, a group of 15 Grade 7 learners were selected by their teachers to be part of this project. These enthusiastic learners are looking forward in developing new art skills and are prepared to work after school including weekends to create an exciting mural painting for their school.
“Building Futures Together” is the project theme with 3 stages:
Stage 1: The artists took learners and teachers through a process of conceptualization of the theme of the project. Learners were led through the process of developing images and ideas regarding the transformation of Oranjemund through brainstorming.
Stage 2: Ideas and images were collected and selected for inclusion in the mural as a team. Drawing and designing took place in the classroom over a period of a few days. The learners, teachers and artists worked together to create images which together are compositionally unified with clear messages and inclusive imagery in terms of the town demographic.
Stage 3: The wall was prepared and the design was drawn onto the wall by the artists. Now the artists and learners are painting the mural. The final product will be presented to the school and the community by the learners who explain the imagery and its meaning to the concept.
It has been an interesting process to engage with the learners about the future they want for the town. Concepts included a SME hub, sports academy, and agriculture. These concepts are now coming alive on their wall, and will forever serve as a reminder of what the town needs to develop towards.
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